Friday, February 20, 2009

It's time to take a Stand

I woke up in a panicked. Rubbing my eyes barely able to see what I was reaching for. Knowing I just had to grab something black. (Black always makes you look smaller, right!!) Hurray……it’s something black. Running to the bathroom while trying to pull on my pants. NOOOOOOO!!! It’s the wrong pair. We have such a love hate relationship. They’re so pretty and small. I OOOHHH & AAAHHHH for a few minutes and then it turns into tears. Real tears!! What the ****!! What’s wrong with me. *Sigh** After realizing what a boob I am. I brush off and head out the door with my “Fat Pants” on. *Boo* Why oh why did I let this happen. It’s time to stand up straight and face the workout music. Watch out!! She’s BAAAAACK!!!!


  1. At least they weren't maternity pants....but who does that!!!????? *zipping lips*

  2. oh kandi...i feel your pain! at my birthday party i wanted to wear something new and after finding a cute shirt, i thought cool,i can weart it with my black pants...BUT THE PANTS DIDN'T FIT!!!! i couldn't even fasten them! that *almost* ruined my birthday. you know what i say to all those temptations out there??? BRING IT ON!!!


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