Saturday, March 7, 2009


I'm having a really hard time staying away from food. I want good food like salads and fruits and stuff like that but I'm finding it really hard to stay away from cookies and sweets. Especially cookies.....when did this happen? I've always been a fan of sweets and cookies but lately I just want to have a cookie, and not really A cookie but MULTIPLE cookies. It's hard being at home and having food in the cupboards that I can just run to and snack on. I need to just start staying clear of the cracker and cookie aisle at the store and stop putting anything like that in the house so there isn't a way for me to snack on them. While driving through the Ranches I always hear the Clown store (Cheveron) or Maverick calling my name....."we have cookies, Heidi....come and buy....they are 2/$1.00 this week!!". I've started chewing gum in between meals and that seems to help slightly, but does anyone have any other good ideas for curbing this craving?? This will be my downfall this week because I've been working out (not as hard as I need to in my opinion) but not enough to burn off 50 cookies!!!


  1. if you figure out how to stay away from them, let me know. we just went to walmart tonight and i bought 2 bags of pepperidge farms cookies. why? idk! i just was craving cookies!!! weird that we're both craving cookies. with the whole food thing...what i've been trying is to just eat half what i normally do. i figure most americans eat way too much. look at all those diet programs like lean cuisine and weight watchers. the idea is that you're eating a SMALL portion. so i've started trying that (this week hasn't been so great) but it DOES work. i think you're on the right track as far as not having that kind of stuff in the house if you don't want to eat it, because it's too hard to have it there teasing you!! anyway, it's all about what's available to you. if you just want to focus on the healthy foods, then get rid of the unhealthy foods. if you want cookies, make some and then give most of them away to neighbors and just keep a few for yourself to stave off your craving! STUPID EVIL SWEETS!!!!

  2. yeah....EVIL, EVIL food!!! They say it helps to use smaller plates so your portion looks big but it's actually smaller.


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