Saturday, March 7, 2009

drowning my sorrows...another myth busted

WHAT DO YOU MEAN WATER DOESN'T FLUSH FAT OUT OF MY SYSTEM??? what the..? you know, all the research i'm doing is just making me feel worse! according to an article on WebMD, increasing your water consumption every day really only leads to about a 5 pound weight loss over a YEAR.

taken from the article: Nutritionist and American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Leslie Bonci, MPH-RD, says even if the findings are confirmed (that drinking more water increases your metabolism), the clinical implications are slight. "Obviously people are looking for ways to increase metabolism, but this is a very, very, small effect," she tells WebMD. "We are talking about just a few calories a day." Bonci says the standard weight-loss plan dictates encouraging people to drink more water stems from the belief that the liquid fills the gut to make people feel more full. "Some plans say that drinking water flushes fat out of your system, which is absolutely ridiculous," she says.

ACK!! well, i drink a lot of water anyway, due to my frequent UTIs, and seeing as how i haven't lost a huge amount of weight as a result, i suppose she's probably right. *sigh* still, drinking water is a better choice than drinking soda. you can't beat 0 fat, 0 sugar, 0 sodium, and 0 calories! plus, i think drinking more water just helps you feel better all around. obviously you can shed a few pounds of water weight if you cut out the other beverages and focus on water because you'll be peeing a LOT more! hahahahaha

my next study: fat versus calories...stay tuned.

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