So, I'm becoming a smoothy Queen because I'm trying to drink more healthy things and my throat has hurt so bad that only liquids (especially thick ones) seem to take the "edge" off. Today I made the best one yet so I thought I would share. It was quite easy and quick.
I turned our ice maker to crushed ice so I didn't have to make my blender do all the work (thanks for the tip, Matt) I put the ice in first and blended it up first, then I added 1 banana about 4 strawberries (large ones), some orange juice, and a handful of blueberries. It was so good and Haleigh even really liked it. Now if they could only make veggies taste that good I wouldn't have to worry about her eating them. Maybe next time I'll sneak some carrots in there.
mmmmmm, smoothies. now i need fruit.